>The 2010 Round up!

>Wow! What a year 2010 has been, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced such a fantastic, busy, stressful, crazy year! I shall start from the top!

2009 was crap… end of… I had lost my job, we had been homeless, we had lost 2 sets of twins (including a fallopian tube) and I had 2 operations… it was a dire year.

Fast forward to January 2010 and i am very pregnant and living at my mum and dads, my fiance was living with his mum about an hour and a half away, it was hard and we hated being apart but I needed access to my hospital as I was under consultant led care for my pregnancy because of my Hypermobility Syndrome.

I couldn’t move very well and was in agony with SPD, taking many painkillers including Oramorph (Morphine). We hadn’t got a clue how long it would take to get to live together, things seemed tough like they wouldn’t work out and although my parents were absolute stars in taking care of me, I didn’t want a baby there and to be frank, they didn’t really either! So I was stressed.

 On the 1st February (01.02.2010) I became ‘Mrs DaddyA’ after saying ‘I do’ in my hometown which was a lovely day (but FREEZING cold and with my humongous bump (that never stopped moving) and my SPD, we were actually in bed about  8pm!

Moving on 2 weeks and I wasn’t feeling well and ended up in hospital giving birth to my little boy Luke on Valentines day! He was 6 weeks early and not actually due until March 26th! He stayed in SCBU for 10 days which was very hard and physically and emotionally draining but when we finally got to bring him home on the 24th February, it was the best feeling in the world!

http://www.youtube.com/get_playerWhen Luke was only 6 weeks old we were offered a house! Things started to fall into place and as we had just got married we were able to do the house up with all new carpets – it was disgraceful the state we moved into.. nicotine stained walls and ceilings, a greasy kitchen.. and concrete floors everywhere as everything had been ripped up. We didn’t care, we saw a fresh start, a blank canvas and we grabbed the opportunity full on!
We spent days and days painting the house (with the help of my wonderful parents – and DaddyA’s dad helped too!) and making it a ‘home’ so Lucky and I could move in.

When the day came to move I was naturally scared – alone with a 6 week old baby in a new house.. I saw DaddyA around every 6-8 days so it was very tough… but this was how it was for the first 8 months.

Come Autumn and DaddyA got a new job!!!! we were over the moon! he now lives with us permanently and I feel that the family is complete! it’s been a long time – we have been through massive amounts of crap on the way good times, bad times, tears, laughter.. but we are here – celebrating our miracle baby’s first Christmas and as a proper family unit in our own place.

So 2010 – a tough tough year but fantastic – we got married, had a baby and got a house – all within 3 months and then DaddyA got a new job!

What does 2011 have to offer? who knows? but with a cheeky little boy growing up anything that does happen will be an adventure and we will embrace it.

My goals for 2011 are to work on my blog and establish a good vlog on my YouTube channel.

  • carry on writing and making films with DaddyA
  • improve on my photography
  • explore new places

and enjoy every possible moment of my gorgeous boy!

Happy Christmas to you all! and have a fantastic 2011!

What did you do in 2010???

>Karvol Vaporiser – REVIEW


Lucky has had a rough few weeks with croup and a sore throat and seems to be struggling a lot more at night recently so when I was offered to review the Karvol Vaporiser I couldn’t say no.
Knowing how beneficial aromatherapy oils are and the chance that it would help the little guy get some sleep!
The Karvol Vaporiser comes in a box along with 3 refills which last 3 nights each and the main unit which goes straight into the wall (not an extension lead) 
The Karvol Vaporiser is suitable for all ages from 3 months up and because of its safety mechanism of a key like lock which makes it impossible for a small child to open, it is safe in a nursery or child’s bedroom.
Containing a combination of pine, cinnamon and menthol, the natural vapours are pleasant and soothing and not overwhelming. I really like the smell (reminds me of Christmas!).
Lucky did seem to sleep a little easier and his cold is now wearing off, we did use it for about 5 nights and have the other refill ready to go should the cold come back.
I also benefited from the vaporiser as Lucky is in my room! so apart from the lovely smell, I know that I’m also benefiting from the oils.
I would recommend this product as its a simple and effective way of treating a cold naturally and especially during the winter months its handy to have one in the drawer ready to go!
The Karvol Vaporiser retails at around £5.60 

You can buy this product from any of the supermarkets or pharmacies.

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>Mirrorin – Child Safe Mirrors – Review


Ever since Lucky was small(er) he has loved his reflection. The best distraction out there was to hold him infront of his refection and it tickled us to see his reaction…

Here was a video that was taken at my parents house in their full sized mirror wardrobe – personally I think its too young to be practicing kissing.. but hey 😉

When the guys at Mirrorin asked if anyone would like to review one of their safety mirrors for children, we jumped at the chance! For Lucky to have his very own mirror that I could be sure was safe.

We were sent a very cute little mirror , a duck design. Perfect for his age as it fits nicely into a nursery theme for small babies and toddlers alike.

The package arrived fast and in a nicely secure package and inside were very simple instructions on how to assemble the acrylic pieces onto the mirror and also where to stick the adhesive pads – which I might add are lovely and strong and the mirror is now happily stuck to my wall.

Lucky loves it! We have placed it at his height so he can glimpse himself in the eye every so often and its a cute addition to his room!
Here are a few pictures of Lucky enjoying the mirror!

If you would like to have a look at the rest of the fabulously funky mirrors, you can do HERE.

They are also on TWITTER.


I shall be buying from Mirrorin in the future as DaddyA is already eyeing up the awesome Pirate mirror!!

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