The 2011 Round Up

Now that my blog has been established quite a while, I thought it would be great to look back over the past year and see what a roller-coaster 2011 has been.

In January I talked about Rockets grandparents and their bond with him and how they reacted when they found out I was pregnant. I talked about SAD and how my HMS affected me over the winter months and I went through the heartbreak of losing my cat, Loki.

February brought my first wedding anniversary! more HMS flare ups and also coping with having an invisible disability. February also saw my little man turn 1! and celebrate with his little friends and some funny expressions for The Gallery.

In March Rocket had his first visit to A+E with Croup and came to the end of an era with his prescribed Premature milk. At the age of 13 months and 6 days Rocket took his first steps! I discussed saying goodbye to the ‘baby years’ and we had fun at the park.

April was pretty quiet as we were ‘offline’ due to moving into our new bungalow and had no internet. I however did start a meme, Quirky Me.

In May we had a peek into my kitchen for a Meme, got the Internet back and summed up April, shared a family moment for Silent Sunday and visited Build a Bear in Covent Garden.

June came and so did the tantrums and the teething troubles, I re-posted my Birth video and Birth story. We were lucky enough to be sponsored by Gumigem for Cybermummy! We celebrated Fathers Day and suffered the Cybermummy come down.

In July I went to stay with Emma (@methemanandbaby) and saw the lovely Vic. Had troubles with Rocket headbanging, I moved back to WordPress, but self hosted. We worked on an App ‘Family Quest’ for Three. I was worried about Rockets lack of speech, I suffered disability discrimination at Sainsburys, Rocket ended up in hospital again with his second lot of Croup. I found a post I wrote when Rocket was just 1 month old. I took one of my favourite photos of Rocket for Silent Sunday.

August 1st was my 27th Birthday and shortly after, Emma (@adventuresEm) came to visit! My mum guest posted her Birth story with me. Then my laptop broke and my parents got me a new mattress! We also took part in the Tescos BBQ challenge.

In September we randomly visited Chessington World of Adventures with Gerrard the CCIF bear! I shared a poem I wrote about 9/11, took Gerrard with us on Rockets first ever holiday to Center Parcs. Then started the worry about my HMS and the colder months.

In October I started a new diet , I wrote about my pain and emotions and had a good think about Internet safety.

November I reflected back on what I wanted to do when I was younger, was called a legend with limits, and showed my spots for Children In Need.

The last month, December, I got my early Christmas present from my parents, got excited about Christmas, wrote my blog CV and finally had a good clean out post Christmas!

Of course that’s not ALL of my posts but they are the ones that tell the story!

2011 has been a good year in all but 2012 will be even better, we hope at some point next year to become pregnant with our second child and of course share our journey to a family of 4 (plus 1 cat 😉 )

My blog will also see a brand new makeover hopefully within the next month so keep your eyes open for that!

Everyone have a fantastic New Years Eve and please keep safe. Most of all, THANKYOU for following my blog!!